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In the Lower Elementary classroom, children will already have learned the names of the continents. The Elementary Continent Mat game can be used to review and learn the names of oceans and introduce longitude and latitude with cards. The Biomes of the World Mat takes the lessons of the Continent Mat a step further with an image of our Earth and its biomes. Command cards on three levels explore the themes of biomes in relation to the equator, migration routes, climate, and ocean currents. When focusing on a continent, Biome Mats and Continent Stencils illustrate a continent's physical geography. Children working with the Biome Mat will gain a knowledge of the "lay of the land" that will foster familiarity with the continent. That knowledge translates to the mapmaking work of the Continent Stencils.

We recognize that the reading levels in a Lower Elementary Classroom can vary. The Primary Biome Cards cards have a phonetically controlled reading level and are ideal for emergent readers . These three part cards work beautifully with the Biome Readers for the Continents (included in our Language Package). The Elementary Biome Cards are suited to more experienced readers. The reading level is more challenging and the cards serve as a structure for independent research. The Continent Studies Package includes storage and cards for both emergent and experienced readers. All of the packages include Biome Stamps for identifying the continent, the biome, and the class of vertebrate or invertebrate. These stamps feature the same icons found in our Biome Cards. The packages include one of each of our Continent Portfolios to get you started. They are intended to be used by an individual child while studying a continent to collect their research, make maps, write journal entries, and create art projects.


Classroom packages include all materials shown on this page. Classroom shelving is sold separately and can be found here:


Complete Set of Biome Cards for the Continents-Primary



Three Part Card Tray Cabinet-Primary



Biome Stamps



Complete Set of Continent Stencils with Cabinet



Map Legend Stamp



Complete Set of Biome Mats



Biomes of the World Mat



Complete Set of Continent Portfolios (one Portfolio for each continent)



Elementary Continent Mat Bundle



Complete Set of Biome Cards for the Continents-Elementary



Cabinet of Continents



Animal Measuring Tape



Please find PDF copies of our lessons and masters in the

A-Z PDF library




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